Mono then Tonsillitis in under 4 months?!? :(? - tonsillitis or mono
In December (a week) before Christmas, I got sick and vomited, leading to a hematoma (blood clot the size of a marble intestine caused by bleeding) in my amygdala develop later, the white and spread on both sides. I have been diagnosed as "acute tonsillitis / streptococcal pharyngitis, and amoxicillin was prescribed, as I later learned that he had mono, and the mixture of mono-and amoxicillin had an allergic reaction. It was fun. Since I had completely recovered. Then, during the past weekend, I saw a slight cold, which lasted about 2 or 3 days on Wednesday evening. I went out and had a little too drunk and vomited in the morning (not my proudest moment, I know). Since I had a sore throat and today I have little white spots on the tonsils. I go to the doctor, but who are uninsured and have to go in the province, so I always wondered if someone had an idea, why do mono, then within 6 STREP months? "I know what causes it, but why so fast?
Do you have a potential problem with his tonsils to see a doctor about removing them.
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